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Configure cutting bushes quickly and easily

28.11.2023, Stampi per tranciatura

New in the product range at Meusburger are configurable cutting bushes that are suited for the offset cutting punches with contour. The bushes are available in five standard contours, with the wire EDM inner dimensions configurable in increments of 0.01 mm.

Numerous possibilities

Thanks to the Meusburger cutting element configurator, customers can easily select their individually configured cutting bush - starting from just one piece. The cutting bushes according to DIN ISO 8977 are available with and without collar in the five contours: round, oblong hole, rectangle, hexagon, and round flat. The cutting dimensions are freely selectable in increments of 0.01 mm and with a tolerance of +0.01/+0 mm more precise than specified by the standard. The symmetry of the contour is within 0.01 mm. Numerous outer diameters and lengths are available for Meusburger's configured cutting bushes including lengths such as 28 and 35 mm. In addition, the anti-rotation protection for the variant without collar can be designed in variable length according to customer requirements. Either 0° or 90° can be selected. Anti-rotation protection is also possible over the entire length of the cutting bush.

Save time with the configurator

A big advantage is that after configuring the cutting punch and entering the die clearance, the dimensions of the bush are automatically calculated and suggested. So not only does the selection process work quickly and easily, but it also minimises the risk of input errors. Following the configuration, the individual CAD data can be downloaded in all common formats. Customers benefit from short lead times since we manufacture the cutting bushes ourselves right at Meusburger.

Customers benefit at a glance

  • Easy selection in the cutting elements configurator
  • CAD data is immediately available for download
  • Short lead time thanks to in-house production

Configure cutting bushes quickly and easily

Thanks to the Meusburger configurator, customers can configure cutting bushes to match the punches with contour.

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Julia Jakob
Comunicazione / Pubbliche relazioni

+43 5574 6706-1496



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