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+43 5574 6706-0

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Guntram Meusburger

Il vostro partner affidabile per i costruttori di stampi, utensili e macchine.

Legal notice

Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co KG

Kesselstr. 42
6960 Wolfurt

T +43 5574 6706 0

Managing Director: M. Eng. (FH) Guntram Meusburger
Location of the company: Wolfurt
VAT: ATU 49325305
DVR: 0091073
Commercial register: no. 196653 x
Court Feldkirch


Meusburger archives, Vorarlberg Tourism archives
Photographer: Till Hückels, Markus Gmeiner, Marc Walser, Marcel Hagen, Paulitsch Roland, Kevin Artho, Roman Horner, Steurer (VN)

Property rights and copyrights

All information on this website (especially texts, layouts, graphics, pictures, sketches, and so on) are the sole property of Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co KG or third parties. Any use of this information without the previous written consent of the copy right holder is strictly prohibited.

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Direct or indirect references to external internet sites ("links"), which are outside the responsibility of the website operator or the authors, are only subject to liability in those cases in which the operator and the authors know the contents of the respective sites and it would be technically possible and reasonable that they prevent access to such sites where these contents do not comply with statutory regulations. The website operator and the authors, for this reason, declare expressly that at the time of establishing the links the respective web pages were free from illegal content. The website operator and the authors have no influence whatsoever on current and future design and contents of the linked pages. They therefore expressly disassociate themselves from all content of those linked sites that was changed after the links were established. This applies to all links and references included within the company's own website. Liability for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and for damage arising from the use or non-use of such information rests solely with the sites' operators to which reference was made; it does not rest with the operator of the site containing the link to those external sites.

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