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The largest range of temperature regulation solutions for mould making

08.03.2018, Costruzione stampi

Meusburger is constantly expanding its range of temperature regulation solutions, which leads to a higher level of safety in operation as well as savings in time during the design and use. New in the range are temperature regulation components with sealant, plug-in type bridges and the Stäubli RMI Multi coupler system.


Save time using temperature regulation components with sealant

The already applied sealant ensures shorter assembly times, since the user is spared the laborious application of the sealing bands. In addition, thanks to the reliable sealing, leakage is prevented up to 150°C. The new temperature regulation components are available in the standard coupling system as E 2000 D fitting with free flow and as E 2020 D in the shut-off variant. For reliable sealing of cooling circuits, Meusburger offers the E 2074 tapered screw plug with sealant.

Plug-in type bridges

The plug-in type bridges are now also available as E 2828 for the RPL-Stäubli system and E 2390 for the USA system. This saves time during mould assembly and enables easy deflection of cooling channels on the mould. The extension tube can be easily cut to length and individually adjusted to the bridge length.

Shortest tool change times and highest process reliability

The RMI multi coupler system from Stäubli consists of a mould side and a machine side. The E 2830 Multi coupler on the mould side is mounted on the mould base and connected to the individual fittings. This spares the user the time-consuming task of connecting every single cooling circuit for every startup of the mould. The E 2833 Multi coupler on the machine side offers different connection options for coolant hoses. It connects to the temperature control unit and ensures quick and trouble-free coupling in one work step. The automatic locking during the coupling and the anti-twist design guarantee highest safety during the operation.
As usual with Meusburger, all temperature regulation solutions described above are available from stock. The CAD data is available in the web shop with just a few clicks.



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Susanne Zukowski
Comunicazione / Pubbliche relazioni

+43 5574 6706-1736



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