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Efficiency in machine and jig construction Meusburger at EMO 2017

01.08.2017, Costruzione macchine

From September 18th to 23rd 2017, EMO, the trade fair for metalworking, opens its doors in Hannover. Meusburger will also be represented this year in Hall 5 at Stand E 24 and informing visitors about its wide range of products as well as the advantages of standardisation in machine and jig construction.

Competitive advantages with heat treated for stress relief semi-finished products

The trend towards standardisation is taking more and more hold in machine and jig construction. A logical development, considering that with the progressing globalisation, ever shorter project lead times and efficiency improvements are required in order to survive on the international market.
Therefore Meusburger offers a comprehensive range of semi-finished products – from heat treated for stress relief plates and bars from stock to special plates. The precisely prefabricated plates and bars can be delivered to Germany, Austria and Switzerland within 24 hours. In addition, all products for machine and jig construction are available in different material grades and variations.

Manufacturing technologies at Meusburger

Meusburger offers a variety of manufacturing technologies like flame cutting, sawing, deep hole drilling, milling, grinding or turning. The web shop enables quick and easy calculation and design. Through the prefabricated flame-cuts plates and milling service, customers can save their resources and concentrate on their own core competences. At the EMO, visitors have the opportunity to have a close look at samples from the different manufacturing technologies.

Trade fair highlights of EMO

The digital wizards as well as the web shop can be tried out at the information terminals at the Meusburger trade fair stand. In addition to the web portal Meusburger offers the well-arranged print catalogue 'Plates & Bars 2016/2017' which displays the complete standard parts range as well as additional information such as the CAD standards or comparison and tolerance tables.


We are looking forward to your visit at EMO in Hall 5 at Stand E 24


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Nel caso abbiate bisogno di ulteriori informazioni o se avete domande da porci, vi preghiamo di contattarci per email.

Susanne Zukowski
Comunicazione / Pubbliche relazioni

+43 5574 6706-1736



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