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+43 5574 6706-0

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Přihlaste se, abyste mohli vidět vaše ceny a pokračovat v objednávce.


These plates, machined on all sides and heat-treated for stress relief, are suitable for all applications in mould and die making as well as for manufacturing gauges and jigs.

Desky a tyče Rámy forem

P-Standard plates

The plates are milled in width and length and segment ground in the thickness. They are available in numerous sizes and materials directly from stock. The resulting short lead time guarantees the customer absolute planning security for all projects.Since we have a total of 18,000m² of storage space to store our heat-treated plates, customers can also save valuable warehouse space.

  • Source material heat treated for stress relief for low-deformation processing
  • Ordering in the web shop or in the offline shop with just a few clicks
  • Price display before ordering means that customers can be sure of exactly what they are spending

Online-Shop Offline shop software

Tolerances for P-Standard plates

Our plates are milled to very tight tolerances and with precisely ground thickness.

P-Special plates

In addition to the P-Standard plates, we also offer our customers maximum flexibility with the P-Special plates. With many different versions and dimensions according to customer specifications, customers have the option of ordering plates customised to the respective project. Despite special machining, we guarantee fast delivery even for P-Special plates thanks to our modern machinery.

  • Each individual plate in a special plates order is manufactured according to the customer’s requests
  • The price for each order is recalculated after entering the dimensions, design and material
  • If a P-Special plate requested by a customer is available from stock as a P-Standard plate, the order is automatically converted to a P-Standard plate

Provedení Manufacturing technologies Online-Shop


Naše P - lišty splňují nejvyšší požadavky na přesnost v oblasti výroby forem, nástrojů, měřidel a přípravků. Tloušťka je obrobena v toleranci 0/+0,02 mm.


PR-Round plates

Naše kruhové desky obrobené ze všech stran jsou určeny pro všechny oblasti využití ve výrobě forem, nástrojů a přípravků. Jsou soustruženy v úzkých tolerancích a mají přesně broušenou tloušťku.


Tato témata a produkty by Vás také mohly zajímat


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