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Notas de prensa sobre Meusburger

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Meusburger presents range at Fakuma

29.08.2023, Fabricación de moldes

It’s time again – the international trade fair for plastics processing will take place in Friedrichshafen from 17 to 21 October. Meusburger will be attending and showcasing its product range at stands 2313 and 2316 in hall A2. Alongside its range for injection moulders, the wide range of components and the ENGEL injection moulding machine, the spotlight will be on the company’s latest campaign relating to bars.

Variety meets availability

Meusburger’s product range includes numerous standard, precision and round bars suitable for universal application, opening up a wealth of possibilities for its customers. The standard parts manufacturer also uses the very best raw materials which are heat-treated for stress relief, giving customers the best quality bars. Thanks to 100% in-house production and vast warehouse capacities, Meusburger can guarantee its customers the fastest lead times.

Wide range of components

At Meusburger, customers benefit from high-precision components to suit their requirements. The range not only includes guiding elements, but also numerous ejectors, slide systems, centring elements and much more, amounting to more than 24,000 components. The range is constantly being expanded and the company’s dedicated team is always happy to advise customers.

Range for injection moulders

Meusburger will also be presenting its wide range for injection moulders at Fakuma. Two things are essential for reliable and smooth operation: the use of high-quality moulds and the fast delivery of replacement parts. Meusburger offers a wide range of over 96,000 items of high quality and functionality. In addition, all items are immediately available from stock. This saves you time and money when purchasing and operating.

Digital tools to simplify your everyday work

Alongside the ENGEL injection moulding machine, which will showcase the production of lunch boxes in a live demo, another highlight at the stand will be the special area for designers, where the functions and areas of the Meusburger online world are presented. For example, visitors will gain an insight into the benefits of the “My account” customer area. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to take a look at the wizards and configurators for mould bases, which make it possible to assemble compatible plates, calculate the corresponding components and export the CAD data. They can also find out more about the WIVIO Knowledge Management software from the subsidiary WBI at the stand.

Meusburger presents range at Fakuma

Meusburger will be presenting a range of highlights at Fakuma 2023, including its latest campaign relating to bars.

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Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Julia Jakob

+43 5574 6706-1496

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