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+43 5574 6706-0

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Přihlaste se, abyste mohli vidět vaše ceny a pokračovat v objednávce.

Components made from stainless steel

We have expanded our range of stainless steel components in many areas for you. Especially during the processing of plastics with corrosive properties or for use in clean rooms (e.g. medical or food processing applications), you can benefit from the advantages of stainless steel.

Vestavné díly


E 17109 Ejector pin, stainless steel, through-hardened

Ejector pins made of stainless steel are now available especially for use in clean rooms and for the processing of aggressive plastics.

≈ ISO 6751 (DIN 1530 A) AH type Mat.: 1.4112

Web shop

Temperature regulation


In addition to our existing fittings from stainless steel, we now also offer versions with hose nozzle, extension and thread.

  • E 20009 Fitting from stainless steel
  • E 20209 Shut-off fitting from stainless steel
  • E 20189 Fitting with extension from stainless steel
  • E 20689 Fitting with nozzle from stainless steel
  • E 20409 Hose nozzle with thread, from stainless steel

Main system USA system


The tried and trusted safety hose couplers with hose nozzle and thread as well as couplers with 90° hose nozzle are new in stainless steel for the standard system.

  • E 22009 Hose coupler from stainless steel
  • E 22049 90° hose coupler, from stainless steel
  • E 22109 Shut-off hose coupler from stainless steel
  • E 22149 Shut-off 90° hose coupler, from stainless steel
  • E 22008 Safety hose coupler, from stainless steel
  • E 22108 Safety shut-off hose coupler, from stainless steel
  • E 22208 Safety coupler with external thread, from stainless steel
  • E 22308 Safety shut-off coupler with external thread, from stainless steel

Main system USA system

E 20719 Expander sealing plug

The sealing plugs are now also available in stainless steel.

Web shop

Demoulding elements

E 16709 Ventilation valve

The valve supports the demoulding of thin-walled plastic parts and thus prevents damage to them. In addition, thanks to the 1.4112 stainless steel material it has the best properties for structuring or polishing.

Web shop

Tato témata a produkty by Vás také mohly zajímat


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