
Estaremos encantados de atenderle de lunes a viernes desde las 8:00 hasta las 17:00. Haga clic en este enlace para buscar el interlocutor que le corresponde por zona.

Sede de Wolfurt
+43 5574 6706-0

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Tenemos especialistas repartidos por todo el mundo para ayudarle sobre el terreno, porque nos parece fundamental intercambiar opiniones en persona.

Fakuma 2024

International trade fair for plastics processing

It’s time again – the international trade fair for plastics processing will take place in Friedrichshafen from 15 to 19 October 2024. This year, we celebrate 60 years of Meusburger, so we are especially happy to present our range and new products to you. However, we think it is even more important to maintain existing partnerships and make new contacts at the trade fair. Our standard parts live in action in an injection moulding machine, hands-on exhibits and much more – all this awaits you at our stands 2313 + 2316 in hall A2. You can also take the opportunity to get to know us better by taking a company tour. We will be happy to have a chat and answer any questions!


When: 15–19 October 2024
Where: Messe Friedrichshafen, Neue Messe 1, 88046 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Meusburger stand: hall A2, stands 2313 + 2316

Our team is looking forward to welcoming you in person and having interesting conversations with you.



Our range of plates and mould bases

Discover our variety of plates and mould bases made from high-grade steel, heat-treated for stress relief.

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Wide range of components

Discover our unique components with all their sophisticated details – from guides and slide systems to electrical, hydraulic and hot runner components. You benefit from our large selection of over 24,000 components.

Tienda online

Live in action: our standard parts in an injection moulding machine

You can look forward to an injection moulding machine from ENGEL at our stand, where you can watch lunch boxes being produced live.

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Get an insight into the next level of the Meusburger online world and discover the advantages of the new portal. It is easy to use for any target group with just a few clicks and will guide you to your goal as quickly and intuitively as possible.

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Fakuma takes place at the trade fair grounds in Friedrichshafen and is easily accessible by train, plane and car.

How to get to the trade fair grounds in Friedrichshafen

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Ahora, la nueva versión de «Mi cuenta» le permite también hacerse una idea general del siguiente nivel del portal de Meusburger. Puede ver toda la información y las ventajas del portal aquí.

Familiarícese de antemano con la nueva sección «Mi cuenta» y disfrute sus numerosas ventajas.

Ahora, la nueva versión de «Mi cuenta» le permite también hacerse una idea general del siguiente nivel del portal de Meusburger. Puede ver toda la información y las ventajas del portal aquí.

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