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Přihlaste se, abyste mohli vidět vaše ceny a pokračovat v objednávce.

Meusburger NX tool

In cooperation with our customer Schmidt WFT, we have developed a CAD tool, which is now available to you free of charge. This tried and trusted tool is adapted to the Siemens NX CAD system and enables a simple and time-saving design process, as configurations of the components which are native to the system can be selected and all parameters are adjusted automatically. Installation spaces and the colour codes standard developed together with the VDWF Association of German Tool and Mould Makers are also integrated in the tool. If changes are made, the parts list is automatically regenerated.

How you benefit - at a glance:
  • Simple and efficient design process
  • Free of charge
  • Components can be designed as native 3D data sets
  • Allows the user to work directly in the CAD system without using the shop
  • Changes are automatically taken over
  • Installation spaces including the respective tolerance and surface data are included in the system
  • Integrated Meusburger colour codes standard
  • If changes are made, the parts list is automatically regenerated
  • Simple import of the parts list into the shop via the Excel import function
Download the manualDownload the installation instructions

Stáhnout software

How to install

General technical information

The Meusburger Library uses exclusively the on-board functions of Siemens NX. No additional licenses are required.

The Meusburger Library is upward compatible from Siemens NX 12 and can be used with the Siemens NX Wizards.

As an indication of outdated versions, the following message appears after a period of one year:


Download Meusburger NX-Tool from website

Download here


Install Meusburger NX-Tool local or on server

You can store the desired folders locally or centrally on a drive. Access by several users is also possible.


Show reuseable library in NX

1. Click on „Reuse Library“

2. Right mouse button in empty area --> „Library Management“

3. With "Add Library" you can select the previously defined Meusburger target directory

If the Meusburger library is not visible in the "Reuse Library" view, you can display it in the Library Manage-ment by right-clicking on "Application Task". To do this, activate the checkbox "Modeling" for the Meusburger library.


Additional information

Relocation of the Meusburger Library
If the Meusburger library directory structure is changed, all loaded components lose their reference. The references can be restored via "Select template part"

Adjustments / System integration
If you need support, we are at your disposal.

Please send your request to:


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Prostřednictvím nové aplikace „Můj účet“ budete mít s okamžitě přímý přístup k vyšší úrovni nového portálu Meusburger. Všechny informace a výhody portálu najdete zde.

Seznamte se už předem s naší novou aplikací „Můj účet“ a využijte řadu výhod.

Prostřednictvím nové aplikace „Můj účet“ budete mít s okamžitě přímý přístup k vyšší úrovni nového portálu Meusburger. Všechny informace a výhody portálu najdete zde.

Zachovat výběr
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Aktuální verze