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Wear insert

Wear insert

Product description

Wear under control

The new wear insert for the smartFILL RT and NZ gates both offers several advantages.

The uncomplicated installation space for the wear insert can be easily introduced into the mould. The ante-chamber geometry for the nozzle is formed by the insert. In comparison to a plunging nozzle head (RT-D/NZ-D), the insert provides an additional thermal separation between nozzle and mould and thus a lower temperature at the front surface. Adhesive effects or surface defects can thus be avoided.

The wear insert can be mounted and dismounted just as easily in the mould. This means that it can be easily replaced with a new insert if there is wear on the gate bore and reduced gate quality, and time-consuming repair work in the mould, as is required with a nozzle ante-chamber geometry, is no longer necessary.

  • High wear resistance
  • High gate quality can be quickly restored on the mould side.
  • Interchangeable, maintenance-free design
  • Can be quickly integrated into the mould concept
  • It is easy to provide the necessary geometry in the mould plate
  • Short lead times
  • Easy installation

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