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Milling copper electrodes and aluminium materials without clogging

Non-ferrous metals are used daily in mould and die making. Aluminium alloys and copper are machined most frequently. Due to the nature of these materials, many milling cutters can have defective results and get clogged. We show you what to look out for and which cutting tools are best suited for machining.

Copper electrodes

Due to the thermal sensitivity of copper materials, using the cutting tools incorrectly can cause warping and built-up edges on the tool. To avoid this, milling cutters with a specially adapted geometry are needed. Sharp cutting edges also ensure controlled chip formation and thus optimum results.

Challenge during machining:

  • Milling of complex and filigree contours
  • Small radii and deep cross pieces
  • Precision and surface quality at the highest level

EDM copper

Copper – Special requirements for cutting tools

Precise cutting tools are essential for perfect results when machining copper materials. Diameter, radius, shank and concentricity must be ground exactly to µ accuracy.

  • More
    Polished cutting edges and chip spaces Close
  • More
    Extremely sharp cutting edges for minimised burr formation Close
  • More
    Specially matched substrate for the machining of copper Close
  • More
    No marking of the shank for perfect concentricity Close
Our recommendation
Our practical tip for calculating cutting values

With our cutting data calculator, you can get the right cutting values in no time at all. What's more, we provide you with valuable information and tips for perfect use of the tool.

To the cutting data calculator

Aluminium materials

Depending on the requirements, different aluminium alloys are needed. When machining soft aluminium alloys, a number of points must be taken into account in order to obtain optimum results.

Challenge during machining:

  • Different aluminium alloys are suitable to different extents for machining.
  • Soft aluminium alloys tend to stick together and form built-up edges
  • Ensure sufficient cooling during machining

Aluminium materials – Special requirements for cutting tools

  • More
    Nano polished cutting edges increase the service life at highest feed rates. Close
  • More
    Unequal chip pitches reduce vibrations. Close
  • More
    The special symmetrical front shape allows the highest feed rates with the best process reliability at the helix during ramping and drilling. Close
  • More
    Optimal chip transport due to large, finely ground chip spaces for HPC milling, grooving, roughing and finishing Close
Our recommendation

Aluminium materials in the Meusburger product range

3.3547 Aluminium alloy
  • Non-hardenable, homogenised, annealed aluminium alloy with particularly good machining and welding properties
  • Excellent dimensional stability; ideally suited for anodising, hard chrome plating and chemical nickel plating
  • High corrosion resistance

Designation according to DIN: AlMg4,5Mn / EN AW - 5083

Further information

3.4365 Aluminium zinc alloy
  • Hardened, high strength aluminium-zinc alloy with good properties for grain etching
  • Good machinability, EDM properties and polishability

Designation according to DIN: AlZnMgCu 1.5 / EN AW - 7075

Further information

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