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Durable and precise – ejector set guiding from Meusburger
14.06.2024, Mould making
Durability, precision, and reliable availability are important factors when selecting guiding elements. Meusburger offers numerous solutions for ejector set guiding.
Quality made in Austria
Meusburger relies on in-house production of its guiding elements, from the raw material to the finished product. In fact, the guiding elements are manufactured at the main site in Wolfurt, so all related processes from turning to grinding are well known to the company. Another of the company's top priorities is to use high-precision measuring methods during quality control in order to guarantee the best quality of its guiding elements.
Available from stock
Like all items from the range, the guiding elements are also picked very quickly at Meusburger and sent to customers via optimally networked logistic partners. Thus, the standard parts manufacturer can guarantee very short lead times.
Comparison of guiding types
From tried-and-trusted brass bushes to self-lubricating bushes with sintered layer - Meusburger offers appropriate guide bolts and gliding bushes for optimal guiding of the ejector set. Moreover, the range includes ball guides without play. The point contact between the balls and the bolt ensure minimum wear. Thus, the ball guides are perfect for high stroke speeds and maximum precision. For space-saving ejector set guiding, the standard parts manufacturer offers guiding solutions via the support pillar. Not only do the pillars have a guiding function, but they also support the cavity plate.
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