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5,000 new plates and bars sizes

15.11.2018, Mould making Machine and jig construction Die making

In October 2018, Meusburger expanded its product range with more than 5,000 new sizes of heat-treated for stress relief standard plates and bars, in order to offer customers in the field of mould, die, and jigs and fixtures construction a comprehensive range of products.

The standard bars are available in many new dimensions, from 20x300 to 800x1200 – as standard, sawn in width and length and segment ground in thickness. Numerous round bars with turned or ground diameters and sawn to length are also new to the range and now available in lengths from 16 to 1500 mm. Additionally, many intermediate sizes have been added. Also the tried and trusted standard plates which in comparison to the bars are milled in width and length, are now available in many new dimensions. The entire range of standard plates and bars is as usual available from stock in the Meusburger web shop.

5,000 new plates and bars sizes

Extensive additions to the product range of P-Plates, N-Bars, and NR-Bars which are the optimal starting material for any application in mould, die, and jigs and fixtures construction.

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Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Lia Klimmer
Lia Klimmer
Head of Department Communications

+43 5574 6706-1446


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