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Central Wolfurt
+43 5574 6706-0

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Kurv {{ (warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer ? (' [' + warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer + '] ') : '' )}} | {{warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.items.length}} Produkt   Skift indkøbskurv


Billede Produkt Stk. Enkeltpris Samlet pris Samlet pris inkl. rabat

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Our digital wizards save time and costs during the ordering and design process.

Mould designers

In this area you can find all the tools you need for designing mould bases. Discover our diverse wizards and configurators as well as CAD data, downloads, new products and more.

Specifications document template

Are you looking to establish some consistency throughout the design process? Our mould design experts have been working on a specifications document template. This ensures that you do not forget anything during the creation of your own internal specifications document and that you can quickly select the appropriate components. Download the template and see for yourself.

Download specifications document template

Meusburger NX-Tool

Sammen med vores kunde Schmidt WFT, har vi udviklet et CAD-Tool og stiller det nu gratis til rådighed. Værktøjet, som er blevet afprøvet og testet i årevis, er skræddersyet til CAD-System Siemens NX som gør det muligt for designere at få en enkel og tidsbesparende konstruktionsproces.

Mere information

Download software

Mould designers

Reach your goal quickly with Meusburger

Our highlights:

  • Specifications document template, events & support
  • Configurable 3D data
  • Import & export of parts lists
  • Wizards and configurators

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Try our new version of 'My account'

Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.

Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.

Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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