Vi har samlet en oversigt over dette års helligdage og åbningstider. På denne måde kan du få et overblik over, hvilke dage vores medarbejdere står til rådighed for dig.
Da vores hovedsæde er i Wolfurt, Østrig, beder vi om forståelse for, at vi har lukket på østrigske helligdage, eller at der kun er begrænset åbningstider bestående af et lille team af medarbejdere.
Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
Keep selection
New version
Unlimited access to your order data
Delivery tracking for all partial deliveries
Search and filter the orders
Simple handling of complaints and returns
Current version
Order data is visible for 90 days only
Delivery tracking for individual partial deliveries