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Meusburger focuses on its core competences

22.01.2024, Company

Despite the demanding market conditions, the company is successfully overcoming the challenges and continuing to invest in order to offer its customers the best service and the highest quality. This year, the standard parts manufacturer will continue to focus on further optimising its core competencies in the area of plates and components to expand its position as market leader. Last year, the company was already able to support its customers as a reliable supplier thanks to its central location in the heart of Europe and its extensive standard parts warehouse. In 2023, Meusburger generated a turnover of 327 million euros.

Focus on core business

As a full-range supplier in mould and die making, Meusburger offers its customers exactly what they need along the value chain to realise their projects. The product range is perfectly coordinated to the needs of customers. This year, the company will focus especially on further optimising existing areas step by step and rely on standardisation as the basis for its customers' success. In this regard, plates have been the core business of the standard parts manufacturer from the very beginning. The large central standard parts warehouse with over 30 material grades is a huge advantage for customers, and the high percentage of in-house production also guarantees the best quality. Besides the comprehensive range of plates, Meusburger also offers a large selection of components such as guides, ejectors, slides and much more. Moreover, the company is constantly expanding its service commitment in the field of hot runner technology.

Welcome to the next level

The company is also constantly developing digitally. After an intensive preparation period, the new Meusburger portal has been up and running since autumn 2023 in parallel with the previous version. Thus, the standard parts manufacturer has taken its online world to a new level so that its customers can reach their goal as quickly and intuitively as possible. This year, the portal will be continuously developed so that even more functions will be available in the future.

Facts and figures

  • Turnover in 2023: 327 million euros
  • Products and services: Plates, special machining, components, hot runner and control systems as well as workshop equipment for making moulds, dies, jigs and fixtures
  • Active customers: Globally over 24,000 in 78 countries
  • Locations: Wolfurt, Lingenau and Hohenems (AT); Viernheim and Seckach (DE)
  • Subsidiary companies: China, India, Türkiye, the U.S. and Mexico
  • Employees: 1600 worldwide

Meusburger focuses on its core competences

Despite the demanding market conditions, the company is successfully overcoming the challenges and continuing to invest in order to offer its customers the best service and the highest quality.

K přehledu tiskových zpráv

Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Julia Jakob
Komunikace / PR

+43 5574 6706-1496



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