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+43 5574 6706-0

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New features in the Meusburger shops

Zveřejněno dne: 14.01.2020

Meusburger is starting 2020 off with a fresh, new online look! At the turn of the year, the Meusburger shops were updated with new technical and visual features. The mould making, die making and machine and jig construction start pages now each have a picture which integrates them into the overall Meusburger visual design. The various buttons have been given a modern appearance to finish off the new look. But don’t worry! The shop still works the same as usual – only the look has changed!

Mould making



Die making


Machine & jig construction


FH Hot runner moulds

A highlight of the update is the technical inspection of hot runner components. The FH configurator can be used as usual for the standardised solutions in the hot runner area. The data entered in the configurator automatically fills in a form that can be sent in a further step. If there is an FH 63 manifold plate or an EH 6000 hot runner manifold in the shopping cart, then an additional button ‘Technical inspection of hot runner components’ is displayed above the button ‘Send the enquiry...’ . When this new button in the shopping cart is clicked, the form is filled in and an email is generated containing important information which can be sent to FH support to be checked.

Information contained in the email

  • Data entered in the form
  • Shopping cart as formatted list (like email order)
  • XML file of the shopping cart
  • Other attachments such as 3D data etc., if available

Test out our FH configurator

It is now possible to fill in this form manually for customised projects . The ‘Technical inspection of hot runner components’ button required for this is located above the button for the configurator for hot runner moulds.


Pro podrobný návod klepněte sem

SB Stamping and forming die sets

Another highlight of the update is thecalculation of the components in the stamping and forming die sets section . New types of eye bolts are now available for selection. Depending on the Bihler press, the spacer discs can be 200 kN, 300 kN and 400 kN.

New in the SB wizard

  • Handles
  • Eye bolts
  • Risers

Test out our new SB wizard

K přehledu novinek


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Prostřednictvím nové aplikace „Můj účet“ budete mít s okamžitě přímý přístup k vyšší úrovni nového portálu Meusburger. Všechny informace a výhody portálu najdete zde.

Seznamte se už předem s naší novou aplikací „Můj účet“ a využijte řadu výhod.

Prostřednictvím nové aplikace „Můj účet“ budete mít s okamžitě přímý přístup k vyšší úrovni nového portálu Meusburger. Všechny informace a výhody portálu najdete zde.

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