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Easy to design thanks to the Meusburger colour codes

16.02.2023, Mould making

Meusburger offers standardised colour codes to simplify 3D CAD design for mould and die making customers. Each colour represents a clearly defined tolerance, and work can be done directly from the 3D model. Downloading is easy via the Meusburger website.

The creation of standardised colour codes for 3D CAD design was made possible by Meusburger’s collaboration with the Association of German Tool and Mould Makers along with various cooperation partners. In the process, 70 variants of colour code tables were melded into one. Through the defined colours, tolerances can not only be clearly identified but also recognised in all common CAM systems. This allows you to go paperless and derivations from 2D drawings are no longer necessary.

Further advantages of the Meusburger colour codes

Customers especially benefit from the transferability of models for production at other locations worldwide or by different companies. There are also defined colours for different thread types. Another big advantage is time savings during calculation since the calculator automatically recognises colours and tolerances and does not have to make any corrections. In addition, deep hole drilling lists are created automatically as features are read from the 3D model and correctly identified when imported into the deep hole drilling list. In most cases, the tolerances of the Meusburger colour codes are sufficient, as 4 to 5 colours are usually enough.

Further information and a video explaining the Meusburger colour codes can be found here .

Easy to design thanks to the Meusburger colour codes

The Meusburger colour codes make 3D CAD design easier.

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Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Julia Jakob

+43 5574 6706-1496



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