Za globinsko čiščenje vseh kovinskih površin. Odstranjuje olja, vosek in ostanke umazanije. Odstranjuje majhne barvne delce in ostanke kondenza iz delilne površine.
Pločevinko je potrebno pred uporabo dobro pretresti. Barve in plastične dele je potrebno vnaprej testirati na uporabnost.
VCM 20
Preizkusni postopki
DIN ISO 2049
organic solvent
0,76 g/cm³
DIN 51 757
Točka gorljivosti
< -20 °C
Tehnični nasvet
What does ‘K1 and K3 registered’ mean?
These consumables are approved for the food processing industry. K1 and K3 mean that these consumables may be used in areas where the spray mist cannot reach the food processing area.
The cleaned part must be washed thoroughly before it is used in the food processing area.
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Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
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Order data is visible for 90 days only
Delivery tracking for individual partial deliveries