Leikkaintyökalujen valmistuksen vakio-osamme ovat saatavissa nopeasti suoraan varastosta.
Leikkaintyökalujen valmistus
Jännitteettömäksi hehkutetusta työkaluteräksestä valmistetut korkealuokkaiset vakiokomponentit.Koetellut ja testatut vakioalustat meistityökalujen valmistukseen ovat saatavana niin poraamattomina, kuin valmiilla istukkaporauksilla. Lisäksi ovat saatavana tutut keskikiinnitystolppaversiot suuremmille tarkkuusvaatimuksille, sekä kaksitolppamallit kaikissa variaatioissa. Meusburgerilla kaikki vakiokomponentit ja leikkainrungot ovat saatavana suoraan varastosta.
SV Standard die set
Our tried and trusted standard die set is available in sizes ranging from 156 x 156 to 696 x 1396 mm. The guide pillar can be fitted to the head plate or the base plate, depending on the application.
In our precision die set, the guide pillar is fitted to the backing plate, which ensures optimum transfer of the guide system’s shear forces. It is available in sizes 196 x 196 to 496 x 696 mm.
We offer you our newly developed SB-Stamping and forming die sets for the 200 kN, 300 kN and 400 kN Bihler presses. The die sets are available from stock in lengths up to 596 mm and as type SBH ‘tunnel cut’ or SBP ‘spring-loaded guiding plate’.
Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
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New version
Unlimited access to your order data
Delivery tracking for all partial deliveries
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Simple handling of complaints and returns
Current version
Order data is visible for 90 days only
Delivery tracking for individual partial deliveries