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Valve gate nozzles

Valve gate nozzles – for the best gate result

The valve gate on the feed point achieves the best optical results on the moulded part.

The gate diameter can be made relatively large and is reliably sealed at the end of the injection process by the pin. This prevents sprue residue or stringing on the moulded part.

An intelligent pin pre-centring system allows the pin to be immersed into the gate diameter with almost no contact. This ensures a long service life with little downtime.

Exact pin positioning to 0.01 mm

In order to position the pin exactly and therefore guarantee a clean feed point, our actuation units have an integrated pin adjustment system. With one turn, the pin can be exactly positioned within 0.01 mm.

To find the right valve gate nozzle for your application, we offer different series and with valve gating technology:

  • smartFILL Slide seal
  • smartFILL Shot
  • smartFILL Single gate valve
Exact pin positioning to 0.01 mm

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