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Sequential gate systems

Delayed gate opening with valve gate nozzles of the smartFILL series

Valve gate smartFILL

With the valve gate systems of our smartFILL series, individual gates can be opened and closed at different times during the injection phase. The valve pins in our systems are operated either hydraulically or pneumatically. However, because of the compressibility of air, we recommend using hydraulic operation in sequential gate systems in order to achieve a precise switching point for the opening of the gates.

Long flow paths without weld line

Filling large or long moulded parts requires multiple injections. Simultaneous opening of the gates inevitably leads to a weld line between the different feed points on the moulded part. This line is a weakness in the part, both optically and mechanically, and can be avoided thanks to the timed pin movement of our smartFILL valve gate nozzles that open the gate only after it has been covered by the plastic melt. Thus, the melt front is driven continuously and without confluences to the end of the cavity.

Solution for further requirements in injection moulding

  • Moulding of large, thin-walled products possible
  • Reduction of sink marks
  • No weld line; shifting of the weld line in case of multiple injections
  • Precise filling of parts with different shot weights by means of family moulds

Technical enquiry









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