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Meusburger Group takes over Segoni

05.07.2018, Company

Wolfurt/Austria. The internationally active Meusburger Group with headquarters in Wolfurt will be taking over Segoni. The Berlin software specialist will continue as an independent enterprise, and all employees will be retained. In the coming years, long-term investments will be made in the further development of the software. Alongside the knowledge-based management method WBI, customers of the Meusburger Group will also be supported in the area of ERP/PPS through the digitalisation process.

The Meusburger Group, internationally leading manufacturer of high-quality standard components, products for hot runner and control systems as well as selected articles for workshop equipment, is taking over Segoni. Segoni, market leader in the field of ERP/PPS software for medium-sized companies in Germany/Austria/Switzerland, will continue as an independent enterprise. The Meusburger Group will continue in the direction already taken by Segoni and make long-term investments in the further development of the software.

Understanding customers even better

This shows that alongside the existing areas of business, the Meusburger Group is also engaging strongly with the topic of digitalisation. The goal is to understand our customers and their processes even better, in order to then be able to optimise processes together. Alongside the already tried and trusted knowledge-based management method WBI (Better Integration of Knowledge), thanks to the takeover of Segoni, customers of the Meusburger Group will in future also have extensive support through the digitalisation process in the areas of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and PPS (Production Planning and Control System).

Further development of the Segoni software

Segoni is active in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the area of ERP/PPS software for medium-sized companies. Their many customers are manufacturing companies with individual production structures, from the areas of mould, die, and jigs and fixtures construction. Segoni offers solutions for efficient corporate management. The range of products and services are tailored to the requirements of the companies and contain everything to do with planning, calculation, deadline and capacity planning, as well as purchasing and warehouse management.

‘With Segoni we are bringing on board the leading supplier in the field of ERP/PPS software for medium-sized companies in our industry. In the years to come we will invest in the further development of the software and through this continuously and sustainably expand the range of services we offer our customers’ explains Guntram Meusburger, Managing Director of the Meusburger Group.

To the press overview

Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Lukas Österle
Communication/public relations

+43 5574 6706-1736

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