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Innovative solution for optimal slide retention

14.01.2021, Mould making

Slide retainers are needed to hold slides securely in the end position when the mould is open. With the new E 3050 leaf spring roll stopper, Meusburger has created an exclusive and cost-effective alternative to existing solutions on the market. The compact design enables retaining forces of up to 140 N and is therefore also ideal for holding large slide bodies in their end position. In order to cover a wide range of applications, the leaf spring roll stopper is available in two different variations and three different leaf spring thicknesses.

Function of the leaf spring roll stopper

The roll inside the roll holder locks under tension when the mould is opened. The accurately cut recess of the leaf spring ensures that the slide body is held without play and in a precise position. In addition, the freely mounted roll made of high-quality roller bearing steel and the nitrided leaf spring ensure minimal friction and thus enable maximum service life. Another advantage: the slide retainer can be used at temperatures of up to 200°C which makes it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Two different types

Type A of the new leaf spring roll stopper has an integrated stop that enables precise and secure positioning. In addition, the slide stroke of this variant can be quickly and easily adjusted using the E 1312 shim which is optionally available. A special feature of type A compared to conventional slide retainers is the roll holder. This roll holder saves time because it can be replaced without dismantling the slide.

E 3050 Leaf spring roll stopper, type A, for adjustable slide stroke

Alternatively, type B enables quick and easy adjustment of the roll’s height through the additionally available E 1312 shim and thus optimal compensation of manufacturing tolerances in the mould. The flat installation space means that this version can also be used in confined spaces. The stop can be realised, for example, with the help of an additional screw.

E 3050 Leaf spring roll stopper, type B, for height adjustment of the roll

Maintenance and interchangeability

The leaf springs for the new slide retainer are available in three different thicknesses. This ensures maximum flexibility as they are interchangeable without any rework thanks to their identical design. In addition, by using the standardised Meusburger component, time is saved during maintenance because the components can be mounted or dismantled from the split line face without having to remove the mould. Meusburger recommends cleaning and then lubricating the roll after 100,000 cycles with the fully synthetic VLS 250 high-performance oil.

3D CAD data for download

As usual the CAD data, for the mould design including the installation spaces, are immediately available for download. In addition, the slide stroke can be configured individually within the limit values.

You can find more information about the product and the Meusburger product video here:

Innovative solution for optimal slide retention

Installation example of Meusburger’s new E 3050 leaf spring roll stopper type A in a cavity plate

To the press overview

Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Julia Jakob
Communication/public relations

+43 5574 6706-1496

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