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:  Prijavite se da biste videli svoje cene i nastavili da naručujete.

10 years of Meusburger India

Published on: 08.08.2024

We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of our subsidiary company in the land of vibrant colours and rich cultures. It was founded with a single employee in Bangalore, India, in 2014. Now, we have a whole team that ensures optimum customer support and a local warehouse that guarantees continuous availability.

Support on site

In the industrial area of Peenya in the city of Bangalore, our team, which includes hot runner experts, makes sure that local customers have the best possible support. This brings numerous advantages not just for Indian customers but also for European companies with production facilities in India. Offers and orders can be discussed and processed directly and without time delays.


Find your contact person here

Local warehouse

In 2021, our subsidiary company moved to a new modern building with enough space for a local warehouse. More than 1000 products from the areas of temperature regulation, ejectors and spare parts for hot runner systems can be dispatched within one or two working days. This immediate availability helps our customers efficiently realise their projects.


To the complete range

We are looking forward to being a reliable partner for our customers in India and beyond and to continuing our successful cooperation in the coming years.

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Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.

Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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