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:  Prijavite se da biste videli svoje cene i nastavili da naručujete.

Full-range supplier in workshop equipment – Mould handling

Our workshop equipment range includes a variety of products that make transporting, maintaining, and servicing your moulds easier. This makes us the full-range supplier for mould makers as well as injection moulders.

Workshop equipment

Moulds are often difficult to transport or move. We offer great solutions for mould handling that save time and ensure employee safety. With our products, finished moulds and steel raw material can be moved easily and effortlessly.

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    Assembly table

    Our assembly table makes your mould installation and repair work much easier. Thanks to the air cushion, the mould halves can be moved effortlessly without time-consuming and strenuous repositioning saving you time, costs, and labour.

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    Transport equipment

    The combination of transport bar and transport lock provide the ideal option for easy transport and handling of injection moulds.

    The E 1930 transport bar allows adjustment of the mould’s centre of gravity so the injection mould can be simply and safely clamped and unclamped. This also facilitates efficient transport on the crane.

    When transporting the mould with lifting points, our E 1936 transport lock ensures maximum safety and prevents unintentional opening of the mould halves.

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    Lifting points

    Our wide range of screwable lifting points enables you to transport many components with transport eye bolt threads. We offer a wide range of thread sizes and designs for your application.

    From a simple, single strand application with a single eye bolt to complex multi-strand applications equipped with ball-bearing, revolvable and tiltable lifting points – we have the right lifting point for you.

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    Lifting magnet

    If the components to be transported are not equipped with eye bolt threads, our lifting magnet offers the possibility to transport ferromagnetic components quickly and safely.

    Web shop


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