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Micro mould – Your standard parts solution in the area of micro injection moulding

The ready-to-use mould bases for micro injection moulding have been especially designed for use in Babyplast machines and can be configured and ordered flexibly and easily.

Mould bases

FM Micro moulds – especially for the smallest injection moulded parts

The standardised ejector set systems enable precise positioning of the ejectors and are equipped with an optimal guiding system. They are available from stock in two versions. We also offer a large range of ready-to-use cavity plates in various material grades. The accessories especially suited for micro injection moulding complete the range.

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    Maximum flexibility during design through the numerous configuration options for the ready-to-use micro moulds Close
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    Precise positioning of the ejectors thanks to perfectly coordinated ejector set systems in two different versions Close
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    Numerous accessories available especially for FM-Micro moulds Close
  • More
    Ready-to-use micro moulds, especially designed for use on Babyplast machines Close
  • More
    Flexible and easy online configuration of mould bases Close
  • More
    Wide range of material grades Close

Micro moulds wizard

Complete mould bases, assistance in the selection of suitable components, and more with just a few clicks – our convenient micro moulds wizard is there to support you both in the web shop and in our offline shop.

Configure now

Customisable FM Micro moulds

FM 50, FM 51

Cavity plates

FM 54, FM 55

T-shaped cavity plate

FM 58

Cavity plates, widthwise overhang

Centring of the mould

The mould is centred within the Babyplast machine via two supporting surfaces on the machine plate.

The ready-to-use cavity plates are designed with circumferential reference edges and are within the tolerance range of ±0.01 mm. This enables highest precision when introducing the cavity in the cavity plate. On T-shaped cavity plates the overhang is also a reference edge.

Backing plate mounting options

Core retainer plate

Hot runner backing plate

Ideal heat shield through installation of the insulation boards between the cavity plates




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