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Guiding elements for transfer and large dies

In combination with the bronze sliding guide bush with solid lubricant, our guide pillar is ideally suited for applications in transfer and large die making. The guiding system is available in diameters from 40 to 100 mm.

E 5040 Plain guide pillar for large dies

  • Material: 1.7131
  • Hardness:≈ 62 HRC
  • ISO 9182-3 (DIN 9833)

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E 5130 Sliding guide bush with solid lubricant and collar

  • Material: 2.0598
  • Hardness: ≈ 200 HB / graphite
  • max. temp.: 200°C
  • Best emergency operating features through graphite inserts for a moderate number of strokes per minute
  • Can be combined with all guide pillars
  • Both the bush and the retainer clip are interchangeable according to DIN 9834 / ISO 9448

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E 5132Sliding guide bush, self lubricating, with collar

  • Material: 1.1191
  • Hardness: ≈ 25 HRC / Sint+MoS2
  • ≈ DIN 9834 / ISO 9448

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E 5193 Bush retainer plate for E 5130

  • Material: 1.1730
  • Hardness:≈ 640 N/mm²

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E 5276 Retainer clip, rectangular

  • Material: 1.0503
  • Hardness: ≈ 600 N/mm²
  • DIN 9832

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