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Colour code standards

Objavljeno na: February 09, 2021

We have succeeded in creating standardised colour codes for 3D CAD design in mould and die making in cooperation with the Association of German Tool and Mould Makers by merging 70 variants of colour code tables. Through the colours defined, tolerances can be clearly identified and recognised by all common CAM systems. Download is easy on our website.

Advantages at a glance:

  • Tolerances can be clearly identified by defined colours.
  • Automatic derivation of the required tolerances through colour recognition in all common CAM systems.
  • Derivations from 2D drawings are no longer necessary.
  • Production without the use of paper is possible.
  • The interchangeability of models for production at other locations (worldwide) or different companies is possible.
  • Thread types are defined by colours (e.g. RGB 255|255|0 = metric thread, RGB 211|45|96 = inch thread, etc.).

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