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+43 5574 6706-0

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Košarica {{ (warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer ? (' [' + warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer + '] ') : '' )}} | {{warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.items.length}} izdelek   Zamenjaj košarico


Slika izdelek Kos Cene po pozicijah Skupna cena Skupna cena s popustom

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Prosimo vas, da se prijavite, da bi lahko videli vaše cene ter nadaljevali z naročilom.

Available faster globally

Objavljeno na: 14.09.2021

Since 2010, we have gradually gained a foothold in the global market. After the subsidiary company in China was founded, additional locations in Türkiye, the USA, India and Mexico soon followed. A warehouse with 450 different items was already established in China in 2014. From 1,700 items at the beginning of 2021, the range has been increased by around 800 additional items in recent months to a total of 2,500 stocked items. Without a local warehouse the delivery time was between 7 to 10 working days, however this has been reduced to just 24 hours.

Expansion in India

Our subsidiary company in India was founded in 2014, and set up its own warehouse at the beginning of this year. In this culturally diverse country our team is growing steadily, and currently 15 employees offer our customers optimal support on site. In August this year, the company moved into a new building with plenty of space for large storage areas. 1,000 products from the areas of tem-perature regulation, ejectors and spare parts for hot runner systems can now be shipped on the same day they are ordered. This beats the original lead time of 7 to 10 working days by far.

Faster deliveries in Mexico

Our youngest subsidiary company followed suit with a warehouse in April this year. Ejectors, temperature regulation components, and spare parts for hot runner systems are now available from stock in Mexico. This leads to a significant reduction of lead time. Now custo-mers in Mexico can receive items in stock within just one day as opposed to the previous 15 days. As your reliable partner and at the request of customers who we work with in Europe, we aim to give even more added value to our service with this warehouse.

K pregledu novic


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