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A rendelés folytatásához kérjük jelentkezzen be, hogy láthassa az árait.


Négyszög alakú elektróda letöréssel, grafit Q40

V 92587


  • Square milled with through chamfer, length sawn


  • Grafit Q40



Ajánlott termékek


Sz. Ár / darab Mennyiség
Q40 15 15 75 V 92587/15 15/  75 8,40 €
Q40 15 15 100 V 92587/15 15/100 10,70 €
Q40 25 25 80 V 92587/25 25/  80 18,10 €
Q40 25 25 100 V 92587/25 25/100 22,10 €


Műszaki tanácsok

E Graphite grades

All Meusburger graphite grades are especially developed for EDM. This guarantees consistent quality and good machining properties.


  • Depending on the machinery used, a surface quality of VDI 27 (2.2 μmRa to VDI 24 (1.6 μmRa) can be reached
  • Minor electrode wear
  • Good surface finish
  • Rapid EDM process


  • For surface quality of VDI 22 (1.26 μmRa)
  • Ideal for high-quality finishing
  • For complex shapes
  • Good surface finish and high material removal rate


For surface quality of VDI 20 (1.0 μmRa)

Complex electrodes with fine contours

Minor electrode wear and high material removal rate

For very demanding surface finish

Average grain size7 µm6 µm4 µm
Attainable surface qualityVDI 27 (2.2 µm Ra) -
VDI 24 (1.6 µm Ra)
VDI 22 (1.26 µm Ra)VDI 20 (1.0 µm Ra)
Density1,83 g/cm³1,86 g/cm³1,82 g/cm³
Electrical resistance12,5 µΩ/m12 µΩ/m16,5 µΩ/m
Bending strength54 N/mm²65 N/mm²66 N/mm²
Hardness62 Shore60 Shore72 Shore
Műszaki tanácsok


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